Nokomis Drama

Friday, September 11, 2009


The Gashleycrumb Tinies
Father… Sam Hill
Zoe… Ashley Griffith

The Sleep Over Kids

Narrator… CJ Silva
Narrator… Andraya Fickett
Narrator… Olivia McAnirlin
Narrator… Megan Fraser
Narrator… Angela Hafenecker
Sleepover Girls… Katie Hood
Renee Lenasseur
Sarah Philbrook
Karissa Porter
Sleepover Boy… Travis Larrabee

Bloody Mary, The Witch

Baker… Tyler Russ
James… CJ Silva
Eric… Ethan Porter
Town Official… Sam Hill
Miller… Travis Larrabee
Baker’s Wife… Katie Hood
Jane… Karissa Porter
Allie… Angela Hafenecker
Mother (Eric’s Wife)… Sarah Philbrook
Miller’s Wife… Svea Ashe
Rose… Renee Lenasseur
Bloody Mary… Irene Sowa

No Trespassing

Tommy… Christian Bradford
Peggy… Jennifer Scamman
Cops… Tyler Russ
Sam Hill

Bobby & The Boo Hag

Bobby Henson… Nick Duane
Pa… Ethan Porter
Old Woman… Renee Lenasseur
Delphine… Svea Ashe
The Boo Hag… Devin Morse
Voodoo Woman… Katie Hood

Bloody Mary, The Little Girl

Mary… Ashley Griffith
Eileen… Halley Phillips
Walter… Cory Knowles

The Green Ribbon

Jenny… Moriah Costello
Johnny… Ethan Porter

Thank you all for auditioning!

We have a great cast
and I’m very excited to get started!

Our first rehearsal will be Monday, September 14th.

A detailed rehearsal schedule will be available then!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The 2008/09 Drama Season - Tentative Schedule

Fall: Six Characters in Search of an Author by Pirandello

Winter: Two Original One Acts: Schoolyard by Emily Platt & TBA

Spring: Rhinoceros by Eugene Ionesco

This is not etched in stone but this is what I'm thinking at the moment based on a number of things that have been discussed, staging issues, etc:

Many have expressed an interest in Six Characters... because of the challenge it will present to us as artist and performers, and I think this is true. Keep in mind: this will be a very challenging piece for the actors, even though it will be less demanding in terms of set/tech. The line demands for the Father, Director, and Step-Daughter will exceed any play we have done before, and it will take someone who is willing to commit to the work to be able to pull it off. I believe we have people in our group who are capable of this, and who will be willing to step up to the challenge, so this does not worry me, though I just want to put it out there that it WILL be a lot of work.

Another reason to do Six Characters in the fall, and Rhino in the spring (versus the reverse) is that the Rhino script is going to take some adapting in order to make it work for us. The fourth scene, between Berenger and Dudard (excuse me if I'm spelling these wrong) needs to be reduced and even some of the earlier scenes probably needs some light internal editing.

Why I'm leaning towards Rhino over Skin: I feel Rhino is both a light play and says something, and like Sarah said it has a lot of potential for staging - though it has a lot of challenges as well - a lot of difficult questions remain, such as what is the "dust" that is constantly being kicked up by the rhinos? How do you DO that on stage? And the mass production of Rhino heads is a real staging challenge - but that could be a lot of fun and it could possibly involve the visual art department, and working with masks would be a fun challenge for us. And what about those trumpeting sounds we're constantly hearing? How are they achieved? Etc.

As for the winter slot - I would like to do Schoolyard by Emily Platt, but that still leaves a second play opening. Schoolyard is a much lighter piece, a lot of fun, and we could pair it with something equally light or with more depth, depending on what is out there. And this is an opportunity for a student to direct.

Keeping in mind we will still have a 10 Minute Play festival in March and a 24 Hour Play Festival in April, these are my at the moment feelings concerning the season, based on what people have said, trying to honor both camps which believe we should do light and heavy (or light and dark) plays, and also basing some of the decision on who has expressed an interest to do the fall/spring play.


Monday, August 18, 2008


This is your space for your final comments, deliberations, on the selection of plays for the 2008/09 season of Nokomis Drama.

The plays being discussed are:

Six Characters in Search of an Author,
The Skin of Our Teeth, &

As stated before, please keep your discussion / comments civil, respect each other's opinions, and realize that not everyone feels the same. Ultimately I will be making the final decision as to which play we do for the fall and beyond, but I will try to take as much as I can into consideration.

Thank you. -Mihalik

Friday, August 15, 2008

NEXT DRAMA MEETING: Monday, August 18th

We will decide on the fall play (hopefully) and read one more, TBA.

Thursday, August 14, 2008


If you have a suggestion of a play we might read, please post it here.

Six Characters v. Skin of Our Teeth

You've read the plays, you've thought about them, now is the time to post your opinions, both positive and negative. To be honest, I'm on the fence and will gladly direct either one. All I ask is that you:

a.) be frank about your own thoughts/opinions

b.) respect each other's thoughts/opinions.

The hope is to have a constructive conversation and to arrive at a decision together. Let's think of this as an open discussion and see where it takes us.

I am, by the way, very happy and excited to be spending another year with you all.
