Friday, June 27, 2008

High School Drama Programs

Hey, y'all!

In searching for possible plays for next season, I stumbled upon an interesting website. If you'd like to see what other high school drama programs are doing across the country, check out this link:

I'll be posting a list of possible plays soon. I'm trying to find plays with a lot of roles that are still serious (or if they're comic, they're at least well-written and established), and which have a lot to say.

Another goal is to put together a Nokomis Drama website for next year. Just a thought, but we do some neat stuff that I think we should have on display for the rest of the world to see.


Thursday, June 26, 2008

So Keep Reading...

A handful of good suggestions right from the start.

So that's your assignment for the summer - to read (yes, read!) a few good plays! - and let the rest of us know about them.

How to find the plays: you can use Google or Amazon, you can check them out at the library, or next time you go to the Borders, you can swing by the "Drama" section. In fact, a play is just short enough that you can read it in an hour or so (or two) while having a coffee at the store and then stick it back on the shelf.

So go out and read a few good plays if you can, report back on this blog, and maybe you'll be the one who finds our play for the fall!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Welcome to Nokomis Drama's Blog!

Hello everyone! The purpose of this blog is to make information about current and upcoming drama meetings and events more accessible including, hopefully, rehearsal calendars, production dates, and so on!

As we move towards the fall of 2008, I would like to ask all Nokomis Drama students to help me in finding our first play of the season. The parameters of the search are:

1. plays with large casts,

2. a variable of male and female roles,

3. and which will fit the space of our stage (though as most of you know, we have been very successful in using the stage in new and interesting ways) and the "space" of our audience.

Please post comments about plays you have read here. Happy hunting!